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Thank you in advance for your support and labor of love. "Let's Network And Give Today". Tomorrow will be our legacy but today is our moment and opportunity to act on the global needs. Together we can make a great IMPACT.


Through Networking, CNS creates a platform to work together for the betterment of mankind and the glory of God. Our efforts provide assistance to those in the most impoverished areas around the globe.

The CNS Board members are all volunteers and do this work solely to benefit those they serve. CNS has no full-time employees. They envision a world where the 21st Century Church will respond in Unity for the work of Christ around the globe. “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish”. Ps. 9:18

Unless the world tackles deprivation today, 167 million children will live in extreme poverty by 2030, and 69 million children under age 5 will die of preventable causes. These outcomes will definitely shrink the capabilities of future generations.

Nearly 156 million young people in emerging and developing countries are working poor — working but living in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 a day or in moderate poverty on $1.90–$3.10 a day.

The combined effects of growing populations, rising incomes and expanding cities will cause the demand for water to rise exponentially, while supply becomes more erratic and uncertain.

The world has the resources, the technology and the expertise to overcome human deprivations. And the notion of sharing prosperity gives us hope that we are ready to tackle human deprivations together.


                                      UNICEF Human Development Report. World Bank Statistics.

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